Asia-Pacific Ophthalmic Trauma Society
  • Day 01 08 Nov 2024
  • Day 02 09 Nov 2024
  • Day 03 10 Nov 2024
WS-01 Wetlab

Closing the Gap: Surgical Techniques in Corneal and Scleral Rupture

November 8, 2024 08:30 - 10:00 (GMT+8) Pucuk Jepun

Chairs : Ari DJATIKUSUMO (Indonesia), Fasika WORETA (United States), Purendra BHASIN (India)

DC-01 Didactic Course

Pearls in Ophthalmic Trauma Imaging

November 8, 2024 08:30 - 10:00 (GMT+8) Cemara Triple

Chairs : Gangadhara SUNDAR (Singapore), Chetan RAO (India), Trilaksana NUGROHO (Indonesia)

How to Interpret CT and MRI Scans in Ophthalmic Trauma Gangadhara Sundar Singapore How to Interpret CT and MRI Scans in Ophthalmic Trauma Delfitri Lutfi Indonesia Performing Ultrasonography in Ophthalmic Trauma Chetan Rao India Performing Ultrasonography in Ophthalmic Trauma Arief Wildan Hands-on and Discussion Session
AH-01 Symposium

Allied Health Symposium: Integrative Approach to Trauma Prevention and Rehabilitation

November 8, 2024 08:30 - 10:00 (GMT+8) Kemiri & Kesuna

Chairs : Annette HOSKIN (Australia), Danial BOHAN (Singapore), Tri RAHAYU (Indonesia)

Multiple Applications of Contact Lens in Ophthalmic Trauma Cases Tri Rahayu Indonesia Clinical Utilisation of Hess Chart in Ophthalmic Trauma Ajay Kumar Singapore Comprehensive Low Vision Rehabilitation After Ocular Injury Umar Mardianto Indonesia Epidemiology of Sports Eye Injuries and Preventive Eye Measures Annette Hoskin Australia Peri-operative Nursing Care for Ophthalmic Trauma Patients Rizki Azni Desvianti Indonesia Post Operative Nursing Care in Ophthalmic Trauma Patients Mia Astridivia Indonesia Discussion
DC-02 Didactic Course

Assessing the Impact of Ophthalmic Trauma to the Posterior Segment

November 8, 2024 10:00 - 11:30 (GMT+8) Cemara Triple

Chairs : Rajiv RAMAN (India), Anadi Khatri K. C. (Nepal), Gitalisa Andayani ADRIONO (Indonesia)

OCT in Evaluating Posterior Segment Abnormalities in Ophthalmic Trauma Anadi Khatri K. C. Nepal OCT in Evaluating Posterior Segment Abnormalities in Ophthalmic Trauma Gitalisa Andayani Adriono Indonesia ERG & VEP: the Role of Electrodiagnostics in Ophthalmic Trauma Rajiv Raman India ERG & VEP: the Role of Electrodiagnostics in Ophthalmic Trauma Valenchia Indonesia Hands-on and Discussion Session
AH-02 Symposium

Allied Health Symposium: Technology and Therapy for Post-trauma Recovery

November 8, 2024 10:00 - 11:30 (GMT+8) Pucuk Jepun

Chairs : Kuldeep RAIZADA (India), Chen XUANYU, MD (Singapore), Yudhistira KNOCH (Indonesia)

Digital Revolution in Ophthalmic Prosthesis Kuldeep Raizada India Advanced Production Line & Techniques in 3D Printing for Custom 3D Artificial Eye Yudhistira Knoch Indonesia Osteo Integrated Implant Facial Prosthesis Jibran Munaver India How to Prepare Corneal Donor Tissue in Emergency Cases Rosikin Indonesia Low Vision Management for Ophthalmic Trauma Brigitta Dewinta Indonesia Healing Beyond Sight: Functional and Psychosocial Recovery After Ocular Trauma Chen Xuanyu Singapore Discussion
WS-02 Wetlab

Closing the Gap: Surgical Techniques in Corneal and Scleral Rupture

November 8, 2024 10:10 - 11:30 (GMT+8) Kemiri & Kesuna

Chairs : Ari DJATIKUSUMO (Indonesia), Fasika WORETA (United States), Purendra BHASIN (India)

WS-04 Wetlab

Special Approaches in Vitrectomy for Trauma Cases

November 8, 2024 14:00 - 15:30 (GMT+8) Kemiri & Kesuna

Chairs : Hussain Ahmad KHAQAN (Pakistan), Soefiandi SOEDARMAN (Indonesia ), Vivek DAVE (India)

WS-03 Wetlab

Mastering Surgical Approaches in Eyelid, Lacrimal and Orbital Trauma

November 8, 2024 14:00 - 15:30 (GMT+8) Cemara Triple

Chairs : Putu YULIAWATI (Indonesia), Tarjani Vivek DAVE (India), Purjanto Tepo UTOMO (Indonesia )

WS-05 Wetlab

Mastering Surgical Approaches in Eyelid, Lacrimal and Orbital Trauma

November 8, 2024 15:30 - 17:00 (GMT+8) Cemara Triple

Chairs : Putu YULIAWATI (Indonesia), Tarjani Vivek DAVE (India), Purjanto Tepo UTOMO (Indonesia )

SS-01 Symposium

Multidisciplinary Session

November 9, 2024 08:00 - 09:30 (GMT+8) Anvaya 2

Chairs : Ratu Puri PARAMITHA (Indonesia), Gangadhara SUNDAR (Singapore), Stephanie WATSON (Australia)

Levering Multidisciplinary Expertise for Optimal Ophthalmic Trauma Outcomes Yunia Irawati Indonesia Neglected Orbital Trauma Jayanta Kumar Das India Where Anterior Segment Meets the Posterior Segment: Trauma is a Challenge Hussain Ahmad Khaqan Pakistan Artificial Intelligence and Ocular Trauma Rupesh Agarwal Singapore Complete Antero-posterior Eye Repair in Trauma Carl C. Claes Netherlands Snapshot of Ophthalmic Trauma in Australia Stephanie Watson Australia Ophthalmic Imaging in Trauma Made Dwija P Ayusta Is Symapthetic Ophthalmia Real? Yasser Khan Canada Discussion
FP-01 Symposium

Free Paper 1

November 9, 2024 08:00 - 09:30 (GMT+8) Kemiri & Kesuna

Chairs : Joshua LUMBANTOBING (Indonesia), Ray MANOTOSH (Singapore)

Steroids for Traumatic Optic Neuropathy: Hope Amidst Controversy Sita Paramita Ayuningtyas Jakarta Single-pass Four-throw Pupilloplasty for Traumatic Iris Defects: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Muhammad Alfatih Jakarta Restoring Vision after Ocular Burns: The Promise of Limbal Epithelial Transplantation Andintia Aisyah Santoso Indonesia Piercing Trauma, Perilous Repair: The Battle to Save a Patient's Only Eye Cecillia Apriliana Wulandari Indonesia Current Therapy for Traumatic Optic Neuropathy : Surgical vs. Non-Surgical? A Comprehensive Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Elvira Esmeralda Poerwosusanta Indonesia Efficacy and Safety of Intermittent Manual Carotid Compression as Initial Management for Carotid Cavernous Fistula: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Gideon Hot Partogi Sinaga Indonesia Penetrating versus Blunt Injuries in Pediatric Traumatic Cataract: Can Vision be Restored? Firda Muthia Elsyanty Indonesia Advancements in Limbal Ischemia Assessment: A Systematic Review of Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Acute Chemical Injuries Silvi Risdia Lina Indonesia Outcomes of Traumatic Wound Dehiscence After Keratoplasty during Covid 19 Lockdown in South India Falguni Roy India Management of Traumatic Corneal Perforation with Corneal Patch Graft: Optimizing Utilization in Limited Corneal Donor Availability Fitri Setyani Rokim Indonesia Successful Repair of Large Fish Hook Injury to Anterior Segment with Cornea, Retina, Iris & Lens Repair - 20/20 (1.0) outcome John Jarstad United States
FP-02 Symposium

Free Paper 2

November 9, 2024 08:00 - 09:30 (GMT+8) Kelapa & Kemangi

Chairs : Dyah Tjintya SARIKA (Indonesia ), Tengku Ain KAMALDEN (Malaysia)

The study of ocular trauma in Western India : epidemiology, pattern of injury and outcome Shailjaa Shah India Visual Outcome of Post Traumatic Endophthalmitis Following Vitrectomy: Systemic Revies, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression Ananda Kukuh Adishabri Indonesia Factors Associated with the Risk of Endophthalmitis in Open Globe Injuries: A Systematic Review Christopher Christian Indonesia Pars Plana Vitrectomy with or without Scleral Buckle for Management of Pediatrics Traumatic Retinal Detachment: A Systematic Review Isma Zahira Suhaima Indonesia Clinical Characteristics and Prognostic Factors for Final Visual Acuity of Intraocular Foreign Body Patients at a Tertiary Eye Hospital in Indonesia Ichsan Fauzi Triyoga Indonesia Role of Vitrectomy in Ocular Trauma Tariw Sri Lanka Pressure Cooker Injuries Sowjanya Vuyyuru New Zealand Repair of Combined Orbital Floor and Medial Wall Fractures through Inferior Transconjunctival Approach Alexander Gerard Nino Lim Gungab Philippines Hidden Trapdoor: Uncovering an Overlooked Orbital Fracture : A Case Report Nadia Kartika Dewi Indonesia Expression Type I Collagen, α-SMA and Myofibroblast in the Alkaline Chemical Post-Traumatic Symblefaron Model in the Conjunctiva (Experimental Study on New Zealand Rabbits) Henu Hadiyantama Indonesia
OC Symposium

Opening Ceremony

November 9, 2024 09:30 - 11:00 (GMT+8) Anvaya 2

Chairs :

Ethics, Law and Profesionalism Herkutanto Indonesia Short Introduction International Keynote Lecturer Sundaram Natarajan India Keynote Lecture: Ocular Traumatology: Quo Vadis? Ferenc Kuhn United States Short Introduction Awards Lecturer Rajiv Raman India Award Lecture 2 Ceremonial with short (5 mins) traditional Balinese dance
SS-02 Symposium

Orbital & Eyelid Trauma

November 9, 2024 11:30 - 13:00 (GMT+8) Anvaya 2

Chairs : Yunia IRAWATI (Indonesia), Syeed Mehbub Ul KADIR (Bangladesh), Yasser KHAN (Canada)

Managing Cicatricial Ectropion After Trauma Riani Erna Indonesia Digital Eyes with Simplification for Third World Countries Kuldeep Raizada India Orbital Foreign Bodies and Lesson Learnt Syeed Mehbub Ul Kadir Bangladesh Scars: the New and the Old Ximena Arze Bolivia Setting Up a Lab for Patient-specific Implants in the Management of Orbital Reconstruction Tarjani Vivek Dave India Traumatic Ptosis: Its Varied Mechanisms and Their Managements Sameera Irfan Pakistan Late Evacuation of Intra Orbital Foreign Body Retention Purjanto Tepo Utomo Indonesia Adnexal Trauma in Pediatric Age Group Shreya Shah India Discussion
SS-03 Symposium

Corneal Trauma

November 9, 2024 11:30 - 13:00 (GMT+8) Anvaya 3

Chairs : Sharita SIREGAR (Indonesia), Ryan Chia-Jen CHANG (Taiwan), Sanjiv MOHAN (India)

What All Ophthalmologists Must Know: Proper Closure of Corneal Wounds Ferenc Kuhn United States Corneal Tear Repair with or without Uveal Prolapse Purendra Bhasin India Severe Corneal Burn – Modified Ways of Transplantation Combined with SALT, ALT, PALT for Limbal Regeneration Arne Viestenz Germany Corneal Astigmatism and Trauma Stephanie Watson Australia Lamellar Corneal Transplantation in Full Thickness Corneal Laceration Ray Manotosh Singapore IOL Calculation Post-Corneal Trauma Sanjiv Mohan India Acute & Chronic Management of Ocular Chemical Trauma Stephanie Wing-Ki Yuk Hongkong Discussion
AH-03 Didactic Course

Didactic Course: Preserving Vision, The Eye, Orbit and Face for Trauma Survivors

November 9, 2024 11:30 - 13:00 (GMT+8) Kemiri & Kesuna

Chairs : Suriya Abu WALED (Singapore), Tri RAHAYU (Indonesia)

Contact Lenses for Traumatised Corneas Tri Rahayu Indonesia Introduction to Impression-Taking in Oculoprosthesis Suriya Abu Waled Singapore Orbito-facial Prosthesis for Trauma TBD: Oculoprosthesis Yudhistira Knoch Indonesia Discussion
SS-04 Symposium

Epidemiology of Ophthalmic Trauma: The Impact of Ophthalmic Trauma in Global Population

November 9, 2024 11:30 - 13:00 (GMT+8) Pucuk Jepun

Chairs : Made Ari SURYATHI (Indonesia), Tengku Ain KAMALDEN (Malaysia), Annette HOSKIN (Australia)

Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors Influencing Ophthalmic Trauma in India Girish Shiva Rao India Epidemiology of Eye Injuries Fasika Woreta United States GATES: Update on Epidemiology of Ophthalmic Trauma Internationally Annette Hoskin Australia Prevalence and Pattern of Ocular Trauma in a Secondary Eye Care Center in Nepal: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study Sunil Thakali Nepal Domestic Ophthalmic Injuries: Clinical Features, Advocacy Mohan Rajan India Infection After Ocular Injury Made Susiyanti Indonesia Visual Outcome Post Open Globe Injuries And Combined Open Globe Injuries With Facial Fractures Tengku Ain Kamalden Malaysia Discussion
LS-01 Symposium

Lunch Symposium 1

November 9, 2024 13:00 - 14:30 (GMT+8) Anvaya 2

Chairs :

LS-02 Symposium

Lunch Symposium 2

November 9, 2024 13:00 - 14:30 (GMT+8) Anvaya 3

Chairs :

SS-05 Symposium

Anterior Segment Trauma

November 9, 2024 14:30 - 16:00 (GMT+8) Anvaya 2

Chairs : Faraby MARTHA (Indonesia), John JARSTAD (United States), Mohan RAJAN (India)

Intralenticular Metal Foreign Body and Traumatic Cataract Removal by Phaco-aspiration Budiman Bandung Challenging Cases of Traumatic Cataract Mohan Rajan India ⁠Anterior Reconstruction After Large Fish Hook Injury John Jarstad United States Management of Traumatic Subluxated Lens Johan A. Hutauruk Indonesia Innovative Methods for Wound Repair in Cases of Globe Rupture Mehul Shah India Management of Anterior Segment Injuries Fasika Woreta United States Traumatic Perforated Corneal Rupture Management Setiyo Budi Riyanto Indonesia Iris Injuries: Surgical Pearls and Techniques of Repair Sushank Ashok Bhalerao India Discussion
SS-06 Symposium

Trauma-Related Glaucoma

November 9, 2024 14:30 - 16:00 (GMT+8) Anvaya 3

Chairs : Maya SOEWANDONO (Indonesia), Shams Mohammad NOMAN (Bangladesh), Liza Sharmini Ahmad TADJUDIN (Malaysia)

Traumatic Hyphema Shams Mohammad Noman Bangladesh Traumatic Lens-induced Glaucoma R. Maula Rifada Indonesia Angle Recession Glaucoma: When and How to Treat Liza Sharmini Ahmad Tadjudin Malaysia Iridodialysis Repair with Sewing Machine Technique: Dislocated Traumatic Cataract with Ocular Hypertension Lyle Newball Colombia Management of Secondary Glaucoma due to Subluxated Lens from Blunt Trauma: the Difficulty of Facing Astigmatism after Surgery Widya Artini Indonesia Surgical Management of Traumatic Glaucoma Victor Koh Singapore Blunt Trauma and Glaucoma Virna Dwi Oktariana Indonesia Discussion
AH-04 Didactic Course

Didactic Course: Partnership in Trauma Prevention and Rehabilitation: Stronger Together

November 9, 2024 14:30 - 16:00 (GMT+8) Kemiri & Kesuna

Chairs : Danial BOHAN (Singapore), Brigitta DEWINTA, MD (Indonesia)

Basic Orthoptic Exam for Trauma Cases Ajay Kumar Singapore Low Vision Management for Trauma Survivors Brigitta Dewinta Indonesia ⁠Rebuilding Vision, Rebuilding Lives: Post-Traumatic Recovery and Rehabilitation Chen Xuanyu Singapore Technique of Hollow Prosthesis Jibran Munaver India Eye and Face Protectors for Industry and Sports Annette Hoskin Australia Discussion
SS-07 Symposium

Neuro-ophthalmic Trauma

November 9, 2024 14:30 - 16:00 (GMT+8) Pucuk Jepun

Chairs : Dean CESTARI (United States), Graham HOLDER (Singapore), Anak Agung Mas Putrawati TRININGRAT (Indonesia)

Multifaceted Spectrum of Neuro-ophthalmic Trauma Muhammad Sidik Indonesia Lessons to Be Learnt from Electrophysiology in Trauma Victims Graham Holder Singapore Neuroimaging in Ophthalmic Trauma: Clinician's Perspective Alia Arianti Indonesia Traumatic 4th Nerve Palsy and Its Treatment Dean Cestari United States Traumatic 6th Nerve Palsy and Treatments with Botox and Surgery Dean Cestari United States Traumatic Brain Injury in Neuro-ophthalmology Involvement, Various Cases. Anak Agung Mas Putrawati Triningrat Indonesia Discussion
SS-08 Symposium

Posterior Segment Trauma

November 9, 2024 16:30 - 18:00 (GMT+8) Anvaya 2

Chairs : Gitalisa Andayani ADRIONO (Indonesia), Caroline CHEE (Singapore), Hussain Ahmad KHAQAN (Pakistan)

Post-traumatic Retinal Detachment and Haemorrhagic Retinal Detachments Nishant Radke China New Method in the Removal of Large IOFBs Carl C. Claes Netherlands Oops! - Iatrogenic Trauma during VR Surgery Vivek Dave India Victrectomy for Terson Syndrome Secondary to Brain Injury Budu Mannyu Indonesia War Eye Injuries Ferenc Kuhn United States Laser-Induced Retinal Injury Gitalisa Andayani Adriono Indonesia Managing Retinal Detachment in Trauma Chetan Rao India Managing Macular Trauma Muhammad Moniruzzaman Bangladesh Discussion
SS-09 Symposium

Blindness Prevention in Ophthalmic Trauma

November 9, 2024 16:30 - 18:00 (GMT+8) Anvaya 3

Chairs : Eko Firdianto KARIM (Indonesia), Ryan Chia-Jen CHANG (Taiwan), Arne VIESTENZ (Germany)

Tourist-Related Head Injury and Blindness Ari Andayani Indonesia Cracker Injuries: Changing Scenario from Spark to Recovery Nirmal Thomas Fredrick India Intergrating 3D-Head Up Visualization with Endoscopy: Advantages and My Experiences Ryan Chia-Jen Chang Taiwan Traumatic Macular Hole: Current Management Strategies Arief Kartasasmita Indonesia Traumatic Optic Neuropathy: Indirect vs Direct Injury Dean Cestari United States Ocular Hypotony – Diagnostics and Treatments Arne Viestenz Germany Protective Eyewear Danial Bohan Singapore Combine Keratoplasty Vitrectomy in Ocular Trauma Referano Agustiawan Indonesia Discussion
SS-10 Symposium

Pediatric Ophthalmic Trauma

November 9, 2024 16:30 - 18:00 (GMT+8) Pucuk Jepun

Chairs : Feti M KARFIATI (Indonesia), Tarjani Vivek DAVE (India), Emmanuel Ong Boniao LEE (Philippines)

Post-traumtic Ptosis in Children Shreya Shah India Pediatric Orbital Fracture Emmanuel Ong Boniao Lee Philippines Pearls of Paediatric Traumatic Retinal Detachment Management Karobi Lahiri India Traumatic Cataract in Children Feti M Karfiati Indonesia Prescribing to Prevent Ocular Trauma in Children Annette Hoskin Australia The Hidden Risk: Exploring the Link Between Undiagnosed Refractive Errors and Pediatric Ocular Trauma Helena Hurairah Brunei Firecracker Injuries Purendra Bhasin India Pediatric Corneal Trauma: How to Manage? Julie Dewi Barliana Indonesia Discussion
SS-12 Symposium

Partnership in Managing Ophthalmic Trauma

November 10, 2024 08:00 - 09:30 (GMT+8) Anvaya 3

Chairs : John JARSTAD (United States), Ida Ayu Ary PRAMITA (Indonesia), Nirmal Thomas FREDRICK (India)

Characteristics of Ocular Trauma Patients at the First Referral Hospital in Bali Made Ari Suryathi Indonesia Pearls for Restoring Structure and Function After Anterior Segment Trauma John Jarstad United States Ocular Injuries in Conflict Zones Yasser Khan Canada Breaking Barriers: Integrating Multidisciplinary Techniques in Orbital Fracture Reconstruction Putu Yuliawati Indonesia Violent Trauma Emmanuel Ong Boniao Lee Philippines Standard Approach to Ocular Trauma Cases- Medicolegal Aspects Vision and Justice: Standardizing Approaches in Ocular Trauma for Medicolegal Clarity Nirmal Thomas Fredrick India The Importance of Building Effective Partnerships in Pediatric Ophthalmic Trauma Management Janice Lam Singapore Experience with Ocular Trauma and Open Globe Injuries at a Single-Academic Center with a Dedicated Ophthalmic Emergency Department Grayson W. Armstrong USA Discussion
SS-11 Symposium

"World Ophthalmic Trauma Consortium" Symposium

November 10, 2024 08:00 - 09:30 (GMT+8) Anvaya 2

Chairs : Ferenc KUHN (United States), Gangadhara SUNDAR (Singapore), Soefiandi SOEDARMAN (Indonesia )

Ping Pong in Ophthalmic Trauma in America, Quick Questions and Answers from APTO Members Felipe Morera Chile Quality of Life After Significant Eye Trauma Jose Dalma Mexico Epidemiology and Outcomes of Sports-Related Ophthalmic Trauma: A Comparative Analysis between Indonesia and Other Countries Using the IGATES Registry Yunia Irawati Indonesia Epithelial Invasion After Trauma – Diagnostics and Management Arne Viestenz Germany Treating the eye with severe injury : Never give up Ferenc Kuhn United States Repair Every Eye with Severe Injury even with No Perception of Light Sundaram Natarajan India Discussion
SS-13 Symposium

Pan-American Association of Ocular Trauma (APTO) & American Society of Ophthalmic Trauma (ASOT)

November 10, 2024 09:30 - 11:00 (GMT+8) Anvaya 2

Chairs : Felipe MORERA (Chile), Jose DALMA (Mexico), Fasika WORETA (United States)

The Mind and Trauma, It´s not just Ocular Felipe Morera Chile Wide Angle Temporal Keratoprosthesis Jose Dalma Mexico A Little Bit of Everything: Traumatic Dislocated Cataract, Glaucoma, Paralytic Midriasis and Macular Hole Lyle Newball Colombia Mysteries in the Angle: What´s New? Alan Wenger Chile Ultrasound in Open Globe and RD-OGI score Jose Romero Guatemala Balanced Correction of Postraumatic Enophthalmos with Polypropylene Mesh Ximena Arze Bolivia Discussion
SS-14 Symposium

Managing Infection and Inflammation After Trauma

November 10, 2024 09:30 - 11:00 (GMT+8) Anvaya 3

Chairs : Ari DJATIKUSUMO (Indonesia), Rupesh AGARWAL (Singapore), Parthopratim Dutta MAJUMDER (India)

Routine Antibiotic Intravitreal in Penetrating Ocular Injury Ari Djatikusumo Indonesia Management of Infection and Inflammation in Post Traumatic Case: My Most Challenging Case Anadi Khatri K. C. Nepal The Enigma of Sympathetic Ophthalmia Parthopratim Dutta Majumder India Traumatic Intraocular Foreign Bodies with or without Endophthalmitis Soedarman Sjamsoe Indonesia Traumatic Endophthalmitis: Tips and tricks Rajiv Raman India ⁠Future of Ophthalmic Trauma Rupesh Agarwal Singapore Identify the Risk of Sympathetic Ophthalmia and Optimizing Its Management Yulia Aziza Indonesia Prevention and Management of Exposure Keratopathy in the Intensive Care Unit Haizul Ikhwan Murat Malaysia Discussion
OT-01 Symposium

Ophthalmic Trauma Battle for Trainees

November 10, 2024 11:00 - 12:00 (GMT+8) Anvaya 2

Chairs : Rajiv RAMAN (India), Parthopratim Dutta MAJUMDER (India)

OT-02 Symposium

Ophthalmic Trauma Premiere League

November 10, 2024 12:00 - 13:00 (GMT+8) Anvaya 2

Chairs :

OT-03 Symposium

Winner Announcement, Door Prize & Closing

November 10, 2024 13:00 - 13:30 (GMT+8) Anvaya 2

Chairs :

Closing remarks Yunia Irawati Indonesia